Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday...

I don't really like Easter. I don't dislike it. I just don't get excited about it.

There are now POUNDS of chocolate and other sugar concoctions in my house. It's all screaming my name. Loudly. Hershey's Kisses with butter cream filling. oh my god... a tiny morsel of heaven. If I'm not careful I will consume at least a whole bag's worth by myself. Today. Reason number one to meet Easter with trepidation.

Reason number two. I'm not sure I can cope with any drama today. With my Mom around, drama is always a possibility.

Add a flailing marriage into a holiday and there's bound to be some awkwardness and tension. Skip and I are walking on eggs shells with each other. Neither one of us willing to tip the unstable boat one way or another. We've found an even keel for the weekend and we're doing nothing that might jeopardize it.

I just need to get through the next ten hours or so and I'll be ok. If you believe in God please make contact now.


  1. Easter is a holiday based on two very distinctly different ideas which are basically age-dependant...the first, if you are a child, is a commercialized vision of chocolates and small bobbles and trinkets and of a furry mascot that can be assumed to visit if only we listen to our parents...the second is, if you believe, a tale of resurrection and hope and return to power. And it is about renewal and strength and faith. While some in your household will be focused on the first of these definitions today, I believe that it is in the second you must decide whether or not you are willing to place whatever hope you have remaining at this point. In order to find a basket full of even more...lifting up your situation and those around you can only be done when first you have resurrected yourself. I hope you find the ability to use today as a catalyst to do just that.

  2. Sound advice. Very adult like. At the moment I'm not feeling very adult like. But it's something to consider when I decide to move past the "freaked out, unsure, terrified" phase.
